Introducing the ultimate convenience in loyalty shopping with our universal loyalty card app, 001. This revolutionary app eliminates the need for multiple loyalty cards by consolidating them into one digital wallet. Simply add all your cards from various stores, and let our app handle everything for you.
Are you tired of fumbling through a stack of cards or scrolling endlessly through your phone just to find the right loyalty card during checkout? You're not alone. At 001, we understand the frustration and inefficiency that comes with managing multiple loyalty cards.
Imagine having just one card for every store, accessible with a simple tap or scan. That's the future we're building at 001. Our user-friendly app is designed to make your life easier, allowing you to store, manage, and access all your loyalty cards effortlessly.
While you shop, the app automatically credits points to the respective loyalty programs, eliminating the hassle of swiping cards. Moreover, 001 goes beyond just collecting points. It stores receipts and warranty details for every transaction made through the 001 Card, ensuring all your important shopping information is securely organized in one place.
At 001, our mission is to revolutionize the way you manage loyalty cards, making your shopping experience smoother and more rewarding. Here’s our journey towards achieving this goal:
Feb 2024
Initiated our innovative loyalty card solution at Inno Startup Campus.
Mar 2024
Established operations and formed a dedicated team.
Jul 2024
Accelerate business development by building strategic retail partnerships and enhancing our digital loyalty platform to drive user growth and engagement.
Mar 2025
Launch the MVP to gather user feedback and improve the app.
Sep 2025
Officially launch the product, providing a convenient and secure way to manage loyalty cards.
Our roadmap is a testament to our dedication to innovation and user-centric design. Join us on this journey as we bring the future of loyalty management to your fingertips.
Fundraising for Acceleration
Break Even in
Revenue in 5 Years
Employees in 5 Years
We are here to help simplify your loyalty card experience. Whether you have questions, need support, or want to learn more about our innovative app, our team is ready to assist you.
Reach out to us and discover how 001 can streamline your loyalty card management: